Tuesday, March 27, 2012


"Generality is the death of communication" - Dan Bright

Dan is a great teacher and I couldn't agree more.
I wanted to share my favorite we've played in his class that have been a ton of fun and help create unique scenarios everyone can relate to:
1. good news, bad news
in a large group of people, each person alternates describing the imaginary 'good' news or 'bad' news of a situation by expanding on what the previous person says
2. interruptions
a person is doing something when another comes up and is supposed to 'interrupt'- not in the typical loud and obnoxious way however, this works best when these two people have conflicting interests and don't intentionally try to interrupt one another
3. alliances
in a group of 4, given a situation 3 will align themselves while 1 is outcasted; the outcasted does not fight it, but instead tries to get the others join him

This book, The Chrysalids, I feel expands on this thought in a different light- and its a great book :). It explores what it would be like if our thoughts could communicate directly so we could understand each others emotions exactly instead of filtering them through language.

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